
The qutip-qtrl package

The qutip-qtrl package used to be a module qutip.control under QuTiP (Quantum Toolbox in Python). From QuTiP 5.0, the community has decided to decrease the size of the core QuTiP package by reducing the external dependencies, in order to simplify maintenance. Hence a few modules are separated from the core QuTiP and will become QuTiP family packages. They are still maintained by the QuTiP team but hosted under different repositories in the QuTiP organization.

The qutip-qtrl package, QuTiP quantum optimal control, aims at providing advanced tools for the optimal control of quantum devices. Compared to other libraries for quantum optimal control, qutip-qtrl puts additional emphasis on the physics layer and the interaction with the QuTiP package. The package offers support for both the CRAB and GRAPE methods.


If you use qutip-qtrl in your research, please cite the original QuTiP papers that are available [here](